Monday, December 31, 2012

2013 Resolutions

I love resolutions. I get so excited for a fresh start and motivation for new and exciting changes. I have so many goals for next year and I can't wait to get started on them.

Health Goals
1. Run Capital 10K in one hour or less: I've only ran the Cap10k once but I really, really, REALLY want to do it in under 1 hour. It's entirely possible for me to run a 10 minute but I tend to go slow and steady when I run long distances. 
2. Complete a fun run 5k or 10 (foam run, mud run, gorilla run, jail break,zombie run, etc): There are so many fun runs and I've always wanted to do one but I've just never made it a priority. I've wanted to do the warrior run for years and each time it passes I'm always so bummed out. This year I want to complete more fun runs and races for good causes. 
3. Weight train more: I've always been great at cardio but struggled with lifting. I don't want to bulk up but lifting weights is so important in sculpting a healthy body. I want to incorporate new moves and exercises into my normal daily routine.

January Health Goals
1. No desserts: I am so scared of this goal. I have the biggest sweet tooth ever and things get a bit crazy during the holidays. I seriously need to detox from sweets. The more sugar you eat the more you crave it. I need a clean start. I definitely don't want sweets out of my life forever but I want to really push myself this first month to not really so heavily on sugar.
2. 50 squats a day: I just want a really amazing butt. Ain't no thang.

Life Goals
1. Save at least $1000 a month for student loans and make a $10,000 chunk payment: I already $2500 saved and I'm hoping that in 6 months I can make a payment and then start saving again for another payment. If I can work hard and make huge payments the next couple of years than by the time I'm 30 I can start saving for a house and maybe think about kids. 

Errand Goals: 
Okay, the next goals are mearly errand but they suck and makine them a resolution makes it more exciting to do. It's important to throw yourself some low balls so you can stay motivated for all the really hard goals.
1. Get a new drivers license with an update address
2. Go to the gyno and try to find a birth control I like
3. Go to the eye doctor/look into lasik
4. Sign up for the Capital 10k: I've technically already done this but it's still on the list because I LOVE crossing items off my to-do list/resolutions.

Craft Goals
1. Redecorate my bedroom: Already on my way to this. We picked up new bedding and curtains and I just need a few pieces of furniture to really complete our room.
2. Write a short story or book: I love writing and I really want to do it more. My writing used to be so good (I've been published and won awards) but lately it's a struggle for me to express myself clearly. I'm so excited to try new stories and see where my imagination can take me. 
3. Reupholster my ugly painted chair: Oh God it's so ugly and it's been this way for so long and my boyfriend just gives me that sad look whenever I say I'm going to fix it. I MUST do this.
4. Learn more hairstyles than the same bull shit I constantly wear: I suck at hair and makeup. I'm just not that  good at it and I want to be better and learn stylish and grownup hairstyles. 
5. Cook new recipes: I want to try new and more advance cooking techniques. I want to push myself to try new things and grow in the kitchen (but not in the waist line, haha).

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Best and Worst of 2012

Another year has gone by and I want to try my hand at another "Best of" list. This list is "me" specific but I like documenting the highs of this past year. So without further ado here the best things of 2012.

Best Author: Gillian Flynn
A few months ago I briefly tried my hand at being in a book club. The book club didn't work out due to no one wanting to pick the second book out but that is neither here nor there. What did work out was our first choice, Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. A few of my girlfriends had read it early in the year and raved about it but I just never had any motivation to go out and pick it up. I'm so glad that I finally did. Flynn is seriously one of my favorite new authors. Almost immediately after finishing Gone Girl I picked up her two other books, Sharp Objects and Dark Places. She knows how to beautifully write about woman struggling with darkness and about the nature of evil. I would recommend her to anyone who loves dark and twisting novels.

Best Guy: My Boo
Okay, this is not meant to be cheesy or lame (and yet, I know it's going to be) but dang am I happy with my guy. I have ALWAYS dated the bad boy or the wild guy. You know, they don't own a car (or it's a giant pile of junk) and maybe their cell phones turned off because they can't afford the bill and they really hate their retail job but they never apply for another job and they're emotionally distant and irresponsible. I have dated dudes with tattoos on their heads and no other ambitions but to work at the coffee house/music shop/record store. But then I tried my hand at dating a guy with his life together and man oh man I don't know why I didn't do this sooner. Seriously, my boyfriend is amazing. He's one of the best cooks I have ever known, he tucks me in every night when I have to go to bed early because of my job. He's a fearless killer of bugs and he's so warm and open and lovely. I have honestly never been happier. Guys like him make me realize why people still get married, before I could never understand how people could do it, it seemed terrifying. But now it just makes sense, when you find someone so perfect you never let them go.

Best New Development: Self Acceptance
I'm not trying to get new age-y here but getting older has rocked. When I was younger I sort of feared the aging process, it seemed less fun and glamorous. I was out of my mind, every year that passes I am happier and more myself. I feel more at ease with who I am and what my life is than ever before. I like my looks and my body and all these hang ups that I used to have are no longer an issue in my life.Take for instance my weight. I have never been terribly over weight but growing up I really struggled with self image and my size. I was always a few inches taller and a few pounds heavier then every girl I knew. I was so self conscious over my looks. At one point in my life I was really heavy which I then counteracted by becoming entirely too thin. But over the last couple of years I've sort of figured it all out. I love food, I probably have an unhealthy relationship with it. I love food for it's taste rather than for the fact that it's simply fuel for my body. Through a pretty healthy balance of working out, eating good most of the times and allowing myself treats I have found a way to manage my weight without losing my mind. I'm 5'9" and range between 130 lbs and 140 lbs. I run, I do yoga and I also eat cake and drink wine. I'm happy.

Best Career Move: My New Job
I am so in love with my new job. So freaking in love. I get to do work that really excites me and pushes me mentally and physically. I am trying new things that used to scare me and I'm making more money than I ever could at my old job. I am so thankful to God and the universe for getting me to this place. Again, not trying to get new age-y but I feel so beyond blessed for this opportunity and this career path. There were so many qualified candidates for this position and I'm so humbled that I was thought one of the best to do the job.


Best Movies and TV: Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers, and Homeland
I love action movies and I love comic books. The last couple of years there have been so many amazing comic movies put out but this year saw two of my favorites. After watching all of the super heroes tales finally seeing them all come together in The Avengers was so rewarding. I loved that movie (which shouldn't be that surprising because I'm a giant Joss Whedon nerd). I loved the final film in the Dark Knight series, it had such heart was beautifully acted. And dang, has Homeland been such an amazing series to get into. So many twists and turns and you never know who to trust or who's working for the other side. 

Worst of 2012
I've never done a "Worst of " but there were a few things that occurred this year that deserve to be called out for how horrible/tragic/annoying that they are.

Worst Repeat Crime: Mass Shootings
I believe in the right for citizens to own guns. I don't think more laws against guns is the solution because criminals will never follow laws and there should not be an added burden to law abiding citizens. But there has to be something done about these mass shootings that are occurring throughout the US. The last shoot at Sandy Hook broke my heart. We as a country need to come together to figure out a way to stop violence without giving up too many of our rights. Let's stop funneling money to wasteful and useless in devours and start helping those suffering with mental illness. 

Worst Government Issue: Fiscal Cliff
It is so beyond frustrating that Republicans and Democrats are so focused on one upping each other that our country is on the brink of this Fiscal Cliff bullshit. Poor people should not be paying more in taxes than billionaires. That's ridiculous. However, I do agree that companies that provide jobs and economic boosts should benefit from some tax cuts. There has to be a way to find a happy median. Let's work together to fix this country and benefit all instead of the few.

Worst Big Bad Company: Wells Fargo
I feel slightly ill including my student loan issues in the same category as the horrible tragedy that killed children but banks like Wells Fargo (and any other that bank that holds student loans) should be ashamed of their behavior. This country has something like a trillion dollars in student loan debt. I am hard working and totally willing to pay off my debts but when I pay nearly $800 a month in loans (with only $100 going towards principal) I will never get out from under this debt. I believe that there has to be something we can do so banks can get their money back and students like me can pay off their debts without living in the poor house.

So I guess that's my lists. It's been a wonderful year and I'm so thankful for my life and my loved ones. I hope 2013 is even better than this lovely year.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Checking in on 2012 Resolutions

Considering it's a few days until I start to compile my new list of resolutions I thought it was be nice to see how I did on this years resolutions. Let's take a look at the list:

2012 Resolutions:
1. Join a library/read more: This was perhaps the easiest "resolution" to accomplish. Honestly it was more like a To-Do list item than a life change resolution but it was was easier to hold myself accountable for that then some vague "live life to the fullest" bullshit. I have definitely discovered some amazing (and not so amazing) books and authors out there. I think I might to a best of 2012 list or something just so I can have a whole post dedicated to nerding out on amazing literature.

2. Lose weight: Sort of? I've definitely hit a plateau weight wise (stuck at 141-143) but my body looks much better. I started mixing in more weight training to my usually cardio and my legs look amazing! Being a pear shaped person I never thought I could have a thigh gap and now at certain stances I do and it's wonderful. I have a lot of fitness goals for next year that I'm really excited about incorporating into my life.

3. Run more/run 10k in less than an hour: Yes and no. In the last month the weather has been absolutely divine and running has been a breeze (winters in Texas=mid 70s to 80s and sunny). I've worked myself up to around 4 or 5 miles which is just shy of a 10k but I have big plans to sign up for the Capital 10k next year and I'm very excited!

4. Pay off debt: So getting there. I got a new job that pays SO much more than my old job (as in, $10,000 more a year more) and I have a totally doable plan to save at least $1000 a month and make large chunk payments each year. No matter what my $89,000 debt is going to take YEARS to pay off but if I can scrimp and save now and pay off some of that God awful interest then each of my monthly payments will go towards more than they currently do. Sometime soon I'll make an update post about my finances.

5. Second job: Yes and no! I spent a good portion of the beginning of the year desperately trying to get a second job but no one wanted to work around my insane work schedule (understandably). But life has a way of helping you out sometime and I was able to start babysitting a friends kid as well as picking up shifts at my old job. Even though sometimes I'm absolutely exhausted (working 6am to 10m is a killer) I am so thankful that I have people in my life who think of me when it comes to doling out work hours and extra cash. 

6. Date up: Destroyed this one. Absolutely crushed it. Last year at Christmas time I had just recently broken up with a dude (who was mostly nice but made extremely questionable life choices) and this year I'm in a beautiful house with a man that I love more than anything. Funny the places where life can take you, huh? My honey and I had been friends for a few months and went on a date in January and I haven't looked back since. We moved in together a few months ago and while there have been some growing pains (I'm a clean freak, he is not) it's lovely to share a home with someone again. He is so patient and loving and understand and I am so thankful for his presence in my life.

7. Take myself on dates: I don't know why I made this a resolution. One of the strangest things about me is that I love being alone. When friends of mine talk about how terrible it is to spend the holidays single or how strong I was for being single for so long I just never get it. Being single and/or alone can be pretty rocking. I would work whenever I wanted to and for as many hours as I wanted to then I would come home and eat exactly what I wanted and watch any TV or movie that I wanted and drink whiskey and any mess that was in my house would be mine and I would know exactly why it was there and when it would be cleaned up. It was lovely. Now, I think I can talk about loving being alone because it was my choice/preferance. I have an amazing family I can see anytime I want, I have wonderful friends to hang out with, and honestly getting a date was never really that hard (finding a great man to date, now that's a challenge!).

8. Craft more: Ugh, nope. I want to be craft so badly but every craft just seems like an unreasonable waste of money. I think I'm spreading myself a little too thin, I follow all of these DIY blogs and I'm trying to do too much too soon. I'll pick a few craft projects for next year and see how those go before I start to invest a lot of money.