Friday, April 6, 2012

On a serious note

This blog is named in homage of the fact that I enjoy drinking. I have made several posts where I either use alcohol in recipes or in daily life (SXSW, Valentine's Day, and Booze Ice Cream). As much as I enjoy drinking and having a good time I want to get serious for one moment.

This is Senior Officer Jaime Padron of the Austin Police Department. He was brutally murdered last night. He went out on a "routine" call to a local Wal-Mart and within the first minute of approaching the subject he was shot twice; once in his protective vest and once in the neck.

So what was the call about? What made the suspect act so crazed and with such indifference to human life? Wal-Mart employees had called because the suspect, Brandon Montgommery Daniel, who is only 24, was drunk.

That's right, this individual MURDERED an officer and took shots at employees and most likely doesn't remember much of it because he was wasted. He's being charged with Capital Murder which in Texas makes him eligible for the death penalty because he had too much beer/wine/liquor/whatever. If it hadn't been for the brave actions of two Wal-Mart employees who tackled Daniel and disarmed him there could have been far greater carnage.

My heart is broken, not only for the officer and his family (which include two young daughters, 6 and 10 years old) but for young Mr. Daniel who for all intents and purpose died last night as well. His life is over all because he had too much to drink and acted with grave indifference.

I love booze and drinking but I do it with EXTREME caution. When I go out I have a two beer maximum if I'm driving. Not just because a DWI could ruin my career and could costs upwards of $17,000 but because I never want my choice to drink to negatively effect anyone else. My safety and the safety of those around me is far more important than getting drunk. Drinking should be a glass of wine or whiskey while curled up against your honey on the couch or beers at a BBQ or out on the lake. Drinking should not be hurting others or making grave, permanent choices. The worst consequence of drinking should be a wicked hangover or making out with someone inappropriate, not death.

If you have the extra cash please donate to Officer Padron's family at or the 100 Club of Central Texas.

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