Friday, March 23, 2012

Picture Update: Valentine's Day

I recently feel in love with Token Fat Girl over at Natural Weight Loss Blog. Seriously, she is my blogger hero. All her updates are gorgeous and every food item she posts looks mouth watering.

Anywhoo! Her wonderful blog inspired me to try to post more and to include more personal life updates and pictures. I know I'm a bit (aka A LOT) late with a Valentine's day post but I'm trying to clear out the photos from my iPhone and this was the first batch. ENJOY!

Chocolate Festival at Central Market; sorry for the blurry snap, I was too busy trying to stuff my basket full of sweets to concentrate on photo art.

This is the chocolate I used for the Guajillo Chili Chocolate Mexicano Cupcakes in this post. The Bacon chocolate didn't last long enough to make it to a recipe.

Homemade whipped cream and strawberries <3. The thing I love I about the "recipe" for homemade whipped cream? Take heavy whipping cream, whip, stuff your face. How easy?

Ridiculous Valentine that I sent my man. If you don't know about the Honey Badger*, you really need to get your shit together.

*I say (type?) that in jest, I just learned about the honey badger like, last month. And I'm pretty good at dicking away time on the internet.

How my man and I celebrated February 13th. Drank too much whiskey, ate pizza, and I got flowers <3 For the actual day of Valentines he cooked me dinner, and took me to a drive in, and we enjoyed that homemade whipped cream, strawberries and chocolate :)

Sorry this post isn't terribly long, I have to go to my second job then I go to my first job. Ugh, it isn't easy balancing my schedule.

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