Friday, February 24, 2012

New Year's Resolutions: Accountability Time

So if you remember this post I, like many millions (billions?) of people, made some New Years Eve Resolutions. In years past I would usually be gung-ho about changes for most of January and then stop giving an F around the end of February. However, now that I'm trying to document life via a blog I'm really trying to hold my self accountable. Now that we're about 2 months into 2012 I figure it's about time to check in on my progress.

1. Join a library/read more: Done and done!! I joined the public library in January and have been really good about checking out books. The intention was that reading is good for you (at least better than watching hours of tv) however, I have a bad habit of checking out low quality books. I mainly stay in the mystery/crime section of the library. I guess I don't get enough crime drama at work. Honestly, the books I check out border on Pulp: sexy millionaire detective Voort is desperate to solve a serious of sexy murders during a New York heat wave. Spoiler alert: everything is very sexy and gritty. Oh well, I like reading about crime even if it's far stretched and far sexier than any real crime.

2. Lose weight: Check! I feel so much better after making such slight changes. Cutting the fat and skin off my chicken, switching to corn tortillas instead of flour, and portion control. I'm not trying to be model skinny I just want to feel comfortable in my clothes. Plus, when I maintain a healthy and low weight I fit into more of my wardrobe which means I don't have the urge to go out and buy new things.

3. Run more/run 10k in less than an hour: YEP! I joined a running group at work and while my schedule has made it hard to attend I'm doing really great at going to the gym. Just yesterday I went for a 4 mile run around my neighborhood. I really wanted to run the Capital 10k but it's only a month away and I'm not ready for that. However, there are around 1083984903 5Ks a day here in Austin so I want to definitely sign up for one of those. My new, modified goal is to run a 5K in less than 30 minutes (which should be totally doable!).

4. Pay off debt: Not done just yet. I'm getting back a HUGE tax return which I will put towards paying off my first college loan. I graduate from the University of Texas in 2007 and my student loan is almost already paid off (thanks in large part to massive support from my Mom). I should be able to pay off the remaining balance by the end of this year. Then, I'm going to try to refinance my loan with Wells Fargo.

5. Second job: No luck :( I honestly blame my schedule. I was, without ANY fair notice switched to graveyard shifts for a month which has made it impossible to find more work. My hope is that once I'm back to my normal shift (or, once I even GET a normal shift) I can pick up more hours at my old job. They're opening a second location and it's about to be SXSW which means more hours for everyone.

6. Date up: Super done. I mentioned in this post that I had started to see someone new and things are seriously awesome. I want to pinch myself because it's hard to believe that I've met someone so wonderful. We've been seeing each other for more than a month and I'm 99% sure he is my boyfriend but we haven't made it Facebook official (I'm in my 20s, this is how we measure things). He has his life SO together. He has a grown up job and insurance and he takes me out and plans stuff. For Valentine's Day he made me dinner and took me to a drive in to see Breakfast at Tiffany's. I'm honestly crazy about him and I can't believe that I wasted so much time with my ex when this great guy was RIGHT there!

7. Take myself on dates: Not really :( However, this is really not my fault. Work has been super crazy and I started dating my new fella. It's hard to take yourself on dates when an amazing guy keeps taking you on dates (first world problems). Honestly, I'm willing to completely give up on this resolution simply because I'm so happy in life right now. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one to lose myself in relationships but this resolution was about treating myself right and caring about myself and right now it feels like I couldn't be treated any better. I'm happy with life in a way that I haven't been in a long time.

8. Craft more: Fail. Again, I'm going to blame my work schedule. Working graveyard shifts has really messed up my mind and it's hard to think about craftiness when I'm completely out of it. Plus, there hasn't really been any projects that I've been excited about. However, I was thinking about modifying this resolution. I wanted to craft more to make my little living space wonderful. I think another way I could achieve that goal is by evaluating and modifying my possessions and life style. I've always enjoyed living in a clean home but lately I've really focused on organization and key items. I've re-organized spaces and my mind feels so clear. I've also been clearing out the clutter. I have a bad habit of keeping things from a mixture of wanting to save money and anxiety over throwing away something I might potentially need. I've tried to face these fears head on by recognizing that it's okay to get rid of some things. I've donated items to charity and I've allowed myself to throw away items that are no longer useful (i.e. the rusted and dirty chairs I've kept in the trunk of my car for YEARS. I honestly don't know why I did that).

So, two months in and I'm 4 out of 8 for resolutions. Not too shabby. I honestly feel better than I have in years. I've become less focused on possessions and more focused on using what I have. For instance, I have sensitive skin which means I use lots of lotions. This has led to countless bottles of lotion everywhere. So many half used bottles and so many different kids (scented, unscented, travel size, holiday themed, some contain slight sparkle for a tan effect, ayayyaya). I have decided that I cannot buy something new until I'm completely done with what I have. When it comes to lotion this means that I'm using 2 year old Plum Sparkle Christmas lotion. But this is good. I've realized how much of a consumer I was being and how little I valued what I owned. Now I'm appreciating all the things I've had and I'm saving all sorts of money.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

My laptop is back from the dead!!!

I cannot accurately express in words how lovely it feels to be typing on my laptop again. Don't get me wrong, my iPad has been a life saver these past 2 weeks but I much prefer typing on keys than a touch screen (first world problems, ha!). What better way to celebrate my laptop's revival than to celebrate how much freakin' dough I saved fixing it?!?!

Usually, when something I own breaks I either buy a new one or take it to a shop and let them handle it. This is done due to a mix of laziness and ignorance. I know jack shit about laptops. I tried to fix mine which resulted in multiple pulled wires, lost screws, and the application of craft glue to the inside (I swear to you, at the time it really seemed like a good idea). My laptop has been unable to keep a charge for a while now but I was perfectly fine with just leaving it plugged in (as explained in this post) but then it fully died. Now, it's not that I had never heard of Amazon before but it just seemed like a hassle and it made me sort of fearful. First, I had to hope that I ordered the right part THEN I had to hope that someone on the internet would send me a working product. I don't really have much trust or faith in the common man. Chalk it up to years working in retail and now working in government. After looking at these savings I can't believe I ignored Amazon for so long.

Let's compare and save!
What I needed: a Toshiba battery and power cord, an HDMI wire and an AppleTv (okay, those last two things are more "wanted" then "needed").

Now, like I said before, my old instinct was just to be lazy and buy from whoever was fixing my laptop. Since I took my laptop to Geek Squad I would have been purchasing the parts from Best Buy. Here are the prices that the Best Buy website listed for the products I needed:

Yikes, that is poor quality. I think if you click the image it might be easy to read? Either way, here is a screen shot for HDMI cables. Now, I "need" one of these because it's what connects the AppleTV to my TV and I need this done in order to fulfill my dreams of making Netflix appear on my TV. DREAM BIG.

Here is a blurry screen shot of Toshiba battery costs.

Again, blurry shot but this time of power cords.

Now, let's head over to Amazon and see what their prices are.

Toshiba power cords costing less than $10 bucks. Are you freaking kidding me?!

Here is a blurry picture of my bill from Amazon for the rest of the products I ordered.

Best Buy
Battery: $84.21 (cheaper price listed)
Power Cord: $25.16 (cheaper price listed)
HDMI Cable: $24.99 (cheaper price listed)
AppleTV: $99 (not shown because I couldn't find it on the Best Buy website but this is average retail price)
TOTAL: $233.36

Battery: $49.61
Power Cord: $9.00
HDMI Cable: $7.99
AppleTV: $97.98
Shipping and Handling: $11.44
TOTAL: $164.58

Savings from using Amazon instead of Best Buy: $68.78

Now, don't get me wrong, this isn't a post trying to bash on Best Buy. In fact, there Geek Squad rocks and some people prefer to spend a little extra money for the convenience of not having to wait for a package to come in. I'm just trying to get the word out to those who, like me, were afraid to purchase certain things on the internet. The savings are real and the time waiting for the package to come is minimal (I placed an order on Friday and the package came by Tuesday). Amazon is a great resource for certain items and I will definitely be using it in the future.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I'm back!

Sorry it's been so long since a post, life got in the way a bit. First, I randomly got a full month of graveyard shifts at my job. FUN. Instead of a lovely 2-10pm shift I'm working 10pm-6am. It makes me very discombobulated (or disoriented as a normal person would say). Then, my laptop died. The battery on this thing died a long time ago but I've been perfectly content with just leaving it plugged in all of the time. Unfortunately now that is barely an option. I took it to Geek Squad and they sent it off for repairs. All I need is a new power cord and battery. Now normally, I would have just had them install it but now that I'm all thrifty I'm going to use Amazon and save a bundle. Finally, I started seeing someone new. He's been a friend for a while (he works with one of my best friends) but we went out for drinks two weeks ago and have sort of been inseparable since. He's not normally a type of guy I go for (aka he's an adult male with his shit together) but things have been awesome. Life is great right now :)

I have some great financial stuff in the works and I'm actively looking for ways to move my loan from Wells Fargo so please stand by for an awesome post soon. Until then please be satisfied with this picture of a cat: