Married to the Sea only speaks the truth.
Wells Fargo is the bank that holds my student loans. Long story short I didn't qualify for federal student loans so I had to get private bank loans. About a week or so ago I received a letter saying my payments were set at $821 a month. Cue crying. Lots and lots of crying.
I called and tried to explain my situation and Wells Fargo did a really great job of not giving a fuck. They told me the only way to lower the payments was to consolidate. So I tried and got denied. They asked for a co-signer. My mom and I got denied. They asked for ANOTHER cosigner. My mom, my dad, and I got denied. They asked if I could ask some friends. I told them I don't know anyone without debt. My parents and I all have credit scores in the 750+ range and yet we still didn't qualify for any help. Supposedly Wells Fargo wants my money but they sure are being dicks about how they take it. I can make payments of around $300 a month and that apparently isn't good enough.
I won't lie this whole process made me pretty depressed. Whenever I start feeling this way I allow myself one epic evening of pity party fun. I went out and bough a stuffed crust supreme pizza, hot wings, and peanut butter cup ice cream. I drank whiskey and stuffed my face and felt so sorry for myself. I cried. I ate. Cried some more. I got pretty drunk and watched animal videos on youtube. I got every ounce of self pity out so the next morning I could get to work.
The next morning I started looking for a second job. While it may suck I know it's possible to work the job that I currently do and have other employment. My lead does it and in my mind she's a superstar. She works TWO full time jobs and goes to school for her masters. If she can do it, I can do it. I used to be a barista so I dropped off a few applications (I got a call back today for an interview, fingers crossed it works out). If I can't find new employment I can always pick up shifts at my old job. Either way, I'm working more. I called Wells Fargo back to see how much money I would have to make to qualify for consolidation (I was told one of the reasons we were denied was because the debt to income ratio was too high).
I was told that not only was my debt to income ratio too high but that since I had only been at my job for a month that I didn't have a long and stable work history. I told the guy that I had been at my last job since 2006 and I was technically on the payroll and still worked some shifts. He ended up crunching a few numbers and just that small fact lowered my payment by $200 bucks. He told me to have my dad re-submit his information because maybe he forgot to include the contract jobs that he sometimes does and we could finally qualify.
So, here's the thing that I don't understand. The fact that I made more money than originally thought LOWERED my payments. How does that work? Shouldn't it be the fact that I'm broke as fuck and don't have an extra $800 that lowers my payments? If I had more income I should be expected to pay more. It's like when places like Baskin Robbins or KFC give celebrities life time free cards. You know, the same celebrities who make millions and millions and can afford a $5.99 meal. Companies should be giving poor and hungry families life time free cards but that's not how it works. While I've somewhat known it all along the system is really set up to fuck the poor. Fuck them good and hard. All I want to do is pay back my loan and still be able to eat food and have electricity and Wells Fargo is making it close to fucking impossible.
I already told the guy I will call back every day until my loans get consolidated. EVERY DAY. Sold a piece of jewelry on Ebay? Better call because that $5 sale could lower my payment. Get this job as a barista? Gonna call so I can get closer to qualify. I got all of the sadness and the tears out of my system and now all that's left is piss and vinegar. Wells Fargo doesn't know who they are fucking with. As God is my witness my loans WILL BE consolidated and my payment WILL be lowered to a reasonable amount.
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