So, I don't know if anyone remember my post from a few days ago. You know, the one where all my hopes and dreams came crashing down because Wells Fargo was high on drugs and actually thought that I could pay $800 a month on my student loans? Well, that problem is still hanging out all not fixed. What has happened so far is that I called and told them straight up that I just can't pay that. They agreed to work with me and said that the best strategy would be to consolidate the two loans that I have through them, extend the repayment time, and to get a loan co-signer. I really didn't want to ask my Mom to co-sign, she does so much for me and me getting another degree was about finally getting a good job and supporting myself and being an adult. Unfortunately I had to ask. She agreed and didn't mind because she is the best most supportive mother ever. She gave them all of her info and initially they turned her down, not because she has bad credit but because she has SO much in her name (house, multiple cars, my loans, etc). She told me that she got a little spicy with them on the phone. I've always been curious as to where I got my attitude from; my Mom is angelic and I can sometime (lots of times) be a mega bitch from the pits of Hell. After my Mom told me some of the things she said to the bank representatives over the phone I realized I inherited my Mom's spunky spirit. Which is awesome because if I inherited that maybe I've inherited more of her awesome traits.
Anyways......I'm still not sure where the loans stands. No matter what they're not getting $800 a month. Not because I'm mad and don't want to pay but because that's half of my pay. Literally. If I paid that much an entire paycheck would be going to them and I simply can't live that way. I've already budgeted out $300 a month and hopefully that can do for now until I can get promoted or earn some extra cash.
I've been thinking about ways to make extra dough and one is selling stuff on Ebay. So far it's going pretty well. I've sold 2 shirts and a CD set and I've made $75 bucks. Because I'm a new seller I don't have access to the full payment just yet but hopefully I can establish myself and sell more and have quicker access. I just placed an order for beautiful jewelry to re-sell and I'm hoping to start making extra cash soon. I only ordered 36 pieces because I want to see how this first batch goes but my ultimate goal is to make a couple hundred bucks a month. If I can sell each piece for $5 bucks then I've made $180.
Look at how gorgeous this stuff is!

I should get the stuff next week and I'll put it on Ebay right away. My plan is to hopefully have a good run during October, establish myself as a Gold seller or legitimate seller or whatever, and hopefully sell a ton of stuff for Christmas. I'm not looking to get rich I'm looking to make big payments on my evil student loans before they kill me and my credit.
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