I just want to roll in a pile of money......and then use it to pay off my student loans
So I wanted to start a new feature where I gathered news articles, hot topics, and current trends about savings, debt, and money in one easy post. Not only will this save time and stress in trying to keep up to date with everything, hopefully some great advice can be gathered and spread :)
In "You've Got to be Fucking Kidding Me/Rich People are Bastards" News
Banker Complains his $350, 000 bonus isn't enough This banker has the audacity to complain about being cash strapped and possibly not being able to afford private school, multiple homes, and fancy home renovations. SHUT THE FUCK UP. I buy dollar store toothpaste you do not know the meaning of poor or broke or strapped for cash. The article discusses how the poor can't understand the stress of the rick. Puh-lease. This banker is fretting over whether he might have to pull his kids from private school. I fret over weather I can turn on the heater when I'm freezing my ass off in my apartment.
Rich Woman Enslaves Illegal Immigrant for 6 Years: This woman lived in a mega mansion. MEGA. Helicopter pads, gold gilded ceilings, 35 rooms, etc, etc and she can't bare the idea of paying the woman who is raising her children a minimum wage. The mansion has 35 rooms and she forced this human being to live in a closet (granted it was probably a fairly large closet but still)!! Then she had the audacity to try to convince the woman's son to lie so she won't get in big trouble. I hope the illegal immigrant only identified as V.M. gets a hefty pay day and can live happily while rich whitey gets what she deserves in prison.
In "Oh, So I Just Suck at the Internet" News
Man Makes $10,000 off of Ebay Now I've mentioned in a
few posts about trying to sell items on Ebay (if not please visit my
store and buy my things so I can eat!). But, at the most, I've made $100 bucks. This dude makes thousands. THOUSANDS (why do I keep shouting?!?!). While, at first, this article just made me feel pathetic it also offered up some great tips on how to up your business on Ebay. The tip about using your smart phone while at thrift stores to check to see if an item is selling is great and I would have never thought about even looking into sports jerseys. As of right now, selling is sort of low on my list of priorities but it's something that I can always fall back on.
In "Saving Money the Old Fashion Way" News
Wash Your Hair Less!!: I have a ton of hair and it costs so much time and effort to up keep it. I started saving money by switching from expensive salons to beauty schools and I've gone a step further by decreasing how often I wash my hair. I usually wash my hair every other day, I've been dying my hair for years and I need the extra oil. However, now I try to go every two days or 3 times a week. Some people can go longer however, I'm in the process of growing my natural hair out and it's far greasier than the dried out dyed out I'm used to dealing with. Now, I know what you're thinking, walking around with greasy hair is gross, unprofessional, and unattractive. Yes, that is all true. BUTTTTT, there is a product that saves the day. Dry Shampoo. It is the most glorious invention ever. Just a few sprays and oily hair is transformed and appears clean looking.
TRESemme just came out with a new line of dry shampoos and conditions. For less then $3 bucks you can improve your hairs health, save time on washing your hair, and save money on expensive shampoos and conditions.
6 Ingredients You Don't Really Have to Buy: I love this article. I tend to eat the same thing so I have only basic ingredients in my house. Now instead of fretting and feeling the need to run to the store if I don't have something I can just whip it up in my kitchen. Also, subbing plain yogurt for sour cream is heaven on your waist line.
6 Simple Changes that can Help You Save $2,997 a year on Groceries: I really like this article because it points out how small changes can add up to big results. Something as simple as cutting out meat a few nights a week can reduce spending (as well as improve the environment and your figure!). This article touts the wonders of the slow cooker which I feel that I have
mentioned more than a few times on this blog. Best investment and so easy to use.
Myths About Car Repairs That Cost You Money: I love this article because I don't really now much about cars and it's nice to have an easy to use guide on car repairs. I don't know jack shit about engines or transmissions but I can just add a few thousand miles in between oil changes. That's more than easy since I often suffer from extreme laziness. It's insane how we become so convinced that there are things we have to do (wash our hair every day or be dirty, change oil every 3,000 miles or hurt the car, etc) that are simply ploys to get us to spend and waste more.
In life news I'm going on vacation at the end of the month!!! Woo-hooooo!!! My boo is in desperate need of a vacation (he's been working 6 days a week for a while now) and wanted to hit up the beach. Because I've obviously died and gone to heaven he wants to take me along. He's rented us a cabin on the beach. Whose life am I living right now?? My main worry is obviously spending too much so I'm coming up with great tips and ideas to save money on vacation. Until then I'm hitting the gym to get my bod beach and bikini ready.