Sunday, January 22, 2012

Ways to keep it cheap/save money while grocery shopping

Ever since rough money times hit I've been searching for the best ways to save money. I've found some great tips which led me to easy life changes and I've honestly seen real savings. I've also found some awful tips that, while I'm sure save money, seem like such a pain in the ass that it's just not worth it. So, because I care deeply for you my dear internet peeps I've compiled my top 8 ways to save money while grocery shopping that are easy and require basically zero effort.

Saving money on food

This chick knows what's up

1. Buy bulk meat and freeze: Due to the fact that I have a history of not playing well with others I live alone. I know I could save tons of money by having a roommate but honestly, living alone rocks. BUT that isn't the point of this tip. The point is that even though I live alone I can still save money by buying certain items in bulk. At H.E.B. (my grocery store of choice, apparently they're only in Texas? I feel sorry for non-Texans because H.E.B. rocks) they have family packs of chicken which contain around 12 thighs for around $5-$6 dollars. I buy one of these packs around twice a month and I'm set for meat. As soon as I get home I open up the giant pack and separate the pieces into different Tupperware containers (I used to use zip lock baggies but I hated wasting them, with Tupperware I don't hurt the environment AND I save on having to re-buy zip lock bags). I store everything in the freezer until I'm ready to eat. I've done this with ground hamburger, ground turkey, and sausage. It’s incredibly easy and I always have something to cook with (which means no extra trips to the store which I HATE).

2. Only buy vegetables that you will use that week: I used to have a really bad habit of just buying way too much stuff and not shopping smart. In one trip I’d buy 3 tomatoes, a package of mushrooms, fresh green beans, lettuce, onions, squash, etc. While this kind of shopping makes for a healthy diet it also makes for a trashcan full of rotten vegetables. Again, because I live alone, there’s just no reasonable way I can eat all of those vegetables before they go bad. Now I try to plan out what I want and buy accordingly; by buying only for what I know I’m going to eat I’m saving so much money AND guilt because I’m not tossing away un-used food.

3. Frozen and canned goods: Frozen and canned goods seem to have a bad rap but if you shop smart they can be tasty and save-y (don’t judge me on my lame rhyming skills). I love a diet full of veggies but a diet full of veggies can get pretty expensive. Things like canned corn and canned tomatoes last forever and honestly taste good. Sometime s when a large quantity of berries is about to go bad H.E.B. has insane sales (raspberries and blueberries for $0.98 a package!!!!!). When that happens I buy around 4 packages and either take them to Girls Night for a healthy snack or throw them in my freezer to later add to protein shakes or homemade ice cream. I’ll also buy sugar free fruit cups or cans. I always have fruit in my place but I don’t have to worry about it rotting. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had some store bought frozen broccoli that tasted like death but there are lovely canned and frozen products out there that taste just as good as fresh.

4. Buy bulk rice, beans, and pasta: A can of black beans is around $1.29 while a bag of black beans in $0.99. A can of black beans has around two servings (or one if you’re a fatty like me) while a bag of beans can make MANY, MANY, MANY servings. Yes, a can of black beans is much easier to cook but it’s honestly not that big of a hassle to remember to soak a pot of beans overnight. I have two bags of black beans, one bag of rice ,and one insanely big bag of noodles from my Mom’s place and I can live off of this stuff for the next month or maybe two EASILY.

5. Compare price per ounce: Most store labels have a small section where they list how much the item costs per ounce. What looks like a deal honestly may not be. I recently purchased some conditioner and while I spent around 10 minutes in the hair care area I ended up finding a conditioner that’s good for my hair but was a good deal per ounce. Let me give you an example: one conditioner is $4.99 while the other is $6.99. Taken at face value the first conditioner looks like the better deal, right? However, on closer inspection the first bottle contains 5.5 ounces of conditioner while the second bottle contains 10 ounces. For only $2 more you get nearly DOUBLE the amount of product. This can be applied to almost any product in the store (cheese, sauces, dips, etc).

I feel bad for other states that aren't fortunate enough to have Combo Locos

6. Combo loco: So H.E.B. has this promotional deal called Combo Loco where they have insane savings. It’s usually something like: buy one package of H.E.B. brand sausage and get a free pack of tortillas, salsa, and chips!!!! Sometimes the combinations that are promoted don’t apply to my lifestyle (I try not to have soda in the house….unless it’s coke zero for boozey time) but all I have to do is check the front of the store for the listed deals. Getting free food rocks and it only takes around 5 seconds of my life to check out the deals. I’m not sure if other states/stores offer this kind of buy one get one free deal but I hope they do because it’s pretty neat.

7. Coupons: I get exhausted watching coupon shows. It just seems like so much work for not a big pay off. The idea of spending my time clipping away seems like Hell. However, there are ways that coupons can help out without ruining/wasting your life. Again, at H.E.B. (has my love for this store been expressed enough????) they have an area at the front of the store which is just a wall of coupons. All I have to do is stop by before I start shopping and check out if there’s a coupon for anything I want. Sometimes there is and sometimes there’s not but it’s not out of my way at all. Also, a good portion of the times they have coupons posted throughout the store near the sale items. Just the other day I was able to get Silk brand soy milk with a coupon and it made it cheaper than the store brand. While checking out most stores have promotions where coupons will print out with your receipt based on the products you’ve already purchased. It’s easy to just tuck those away in your purse and store them for the next time you have to go grocery shopping.

So freakin' amazing
8. CROCK POT/cook in bulk: If you don’t have a crock pot GO OUT AND BUY ONE!!!!! It has been the best investment of my life. I purchased a fairly large crock pot for $29.99 and it has truly changed the way I eat (my Lord, I sound like an infomercial). Let’s talk about why crock pots rock everything: 1) they cook food for you while you sleep 2) big, hearty, healthy recipes 3) easy as shit. Best recipe: turn the crock pot on, put in some chicken, black beans, can of Mexican style tomatoes, some onions, and some broth or water. Let it cook over night. In the morning scope out the chicken bones, add more liquid and add rice. In 30 minutes you have an awesome stew like thing or taco filling thing. When I’m eating at home I just scoop it into corn tortillas and when I take it for work I just fill up a Tupperware container and it’s perfectly delicious on its own.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Strange times

Sometimes pictures on the internet hurt because they hit way too close to home

I had three days off from work and I had all these glorious plans of awesome blog posts and organizing shit. I had dreams. Unfortunately, after a week of working split shifts (7pm-3am) my internal clock is all sorts of jacked up, so I spent my "productive" days sleeping until 1pm and staying up and drinking until 5am. This behavior then led to mild hangovers which, as I'm sure you know, can only be cured by being completely lazy and dicking around the interwebs.

BUT, I have a really great blog post coming up so until then please be entertained by the following picture of a cat:

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Chair Up-cycle: Fabric Paint and Losing my Mind

A few months back when I was really pumped up about home decor projects (you know, before I was lovingly informed by Wells Fargo of my overwhelming student loan payments?) I fixed up this thrift store chair. I had been looking for an arm chair for my living room and I found a cute Chicago-esque style one that turns into a pretty comfy recliner. Unfortunately the color was atrocious:

Faded orange brown blended with puke-y salmon. Delightful.

Considering I've never been particularly crafty I needed a way to fix up this chair without having to reupholster it. After googling my heart out I found an easy looking technique: fabric paint. Basically mix equal parts fabric medium with the paint of your choice and then apply. Easy right?

Of course not. It never is.

Never trust Martha Stewart on how easy or possible a project is. Never.

Honestly, I can't really blame the technique on how frustrating this project was. I should have done more research or had lower expectations. Today while re-searching things for this blog post I found an article that focused on dying fabrics and how certain dyes don't work on certain fabrics. I didn't even know that than was an issue. Apparently, cotton is the best fabric to paint and/or dye and other blends just don't take certain dyes/colors. My mistake is that I just jump too quickly into projects without truly understanding what I'm undertaking (and trust me, this applies to more than crafts). There were some spots in the fabric that just REFUSED to absorb the color. I'd apply and apply and apply and it was still thin and patchy.

Luckily the chair came out relatively cute (and also, I have fashion-y pillows that cover the not so cute spots).

Unfortunately, the many, many, MANY layers of paint I had to put on this chair left the fabric feeling crispy and uncomfortable. I honestly don't think I've ever sat on it. But I will not be deterred. My hopes is to become more accustomed to crafty projects and to hopefully, ONE DAY, reupholster this beast.

The above picture of the Martha Stewart fabric paint line was taking from Censational Girl. She did a whole tutorial about using fabric paints. Of course, her towels turned out delightful. Read the tutorial HERE.

Another fun fact about this project? The chair was too big to fit through the door to my porch so I had to spray paint the legs inside. Yeah. Got high as fuck. I do not recommend that.

Another fun fact? I totally joined the library today! I'm kicking ass and taking names on my New Year's Resolutions!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Years Resolutions 2012

So it's a new year which means new changes, new me, etc. I usually try not to make resolutions because for the most part they are relatively impossible to keep. So this year I decided to switch up my usually resolutions. Instead of creating a list of vague hopes that are impossible to measure I've decided to make a simple check list. A list of black and white and absolutely no gray. A girl at my work made a resolution to think more positively. How do you measure that? How do you hold yourself accountable? I'm not down with that level of uncertainty so my list is easy; either I do these things this year or I don't. No gray area. No confusion. Just how I like it :)

1. Join a library/read more: My overall hopes/dreams for this year would be to finally gather the courage to cut my cable (don't judge my addiction) and entertain my self through Netflix, the movies at the library, and books. Cutting the cable would save me around $50 bucks a month and I might actually have free time to go out and live life instead of watching 19 hours of Law and Order on my days off. I remember as a child I used to LOVE reading but then reading became a chore for school and my passion faded. I want to rekindle my love for literature.

2. Lose weight: UGH, I hate this resolution. Honestly, I like my body (it looks pretty banging) but ever since I stopped being a vegan I've been "vacation eating". You know how when you're on vacation you eat like shit 24/7 but it's nothing to feel bad about because you're on vacation? It's similar to birthday eating. Well, I've started to drift to a scary, I could gain a million pounds and end up on the Biggest Loser place. I know some of the weight gain was due to not being able to run due to sickness. In one week I started running again, cutting the skin off of my chicken, and switching back to soy milk for my morning coffee and I lost 7 lbs. Being a non-vegan during holidays is ROUGH. Treats and eats everywhere. So I've just got to go back to normal eating and exercise.

3. Run more/run 10k in less than an hour: I love running but I've been making a lot of excuses to get out of it lately. I signed up for a running class to train for a 5k and my hopes is that I can do the Capital 10k in a few months. I did it a few years ago and I felt so proud of myself. I think my time was something lame like 1 hour 14 minutes so I want to cut that time by a few minutes. I know I'm completely capable of doing this I just have to hold myself accountable.

4. Pay off debt: I already have the money saved up for my second loan payment. My goal this year is to pay off my UT loan and then consolidate my loan again and hopefully get a lower payment.

5. Second job: So this goes along with Resolution #4. If I can get a steady 2nd job I would be that much closer to paying off my debt. I absolutely hate living with debt and the more I can pay off the happier I'll be. Unfortunately getting a second job has been harder than I originally imagined.

6. Date up: I honestly prefer the single lifestyle BUT if I do date someone this year I really, really want to date up. I hope that doesn't come off as conceded or asshole-y but I have to stop dating dudes who don't have their shit together. If I date I want to date a guy with a working car that is up to state code. Nothing sames lame like having to drive everywhere because your boyfriend has no vehicle. I want a nice guy who has his shit together as much, if not more, than I do.

7. Take myself on dates: Just because I'm broke doesn't mean I don't have to treat myself with kindness. I want to take myself to movies or dinners or just do nice things. Spending $20 bucks on myself once a month isn't really doing to make that much of a difference in my student loans.

8. Craft more: I really want to turn this blog into something cute, filled with great recipes and DIY crafts. Someplace with awesome tips on saving money and ways to still decorate and live life but on the cheap. I like what I've done so far and I really want to continue.

ALSO: I finally got off my lazy ass and posted more items to my Ebay store (or just relisted some of the items that I had taken off). Take a look HERE.