Saturday, November 10, 2012

I am a terrible blogger and other repeat news

I know, I know. Every single post on this thing talks about how sorry I am about how terrible I am at blogging. I guess I thought  I would get better at it. Obvs not.

Life has been pretty fantastic, I'm still broke but things are getting better. Wells Fargo is still a monster asshole who refuses to work with me but what's new?? My new job is amazing and I'm making lots more money which is great. I have a clear goal to save a ton of money and make a giant payment of $10,000 on my loan next year.

In other news I'm happy Obama was re-elected. I try not to get very political on public forums because I respect other people's beliefs but I wasn't a really big fan of Romney's. While the economy definitely needs help I tend to put more weight on social issues. My personal belief is that the needs and rights of humans out weigh anyone's desire for more money.

The holiday season is upon us once again. My parents and I all have birthday's this month and I'm excited to try some new DIY projects for gifts since money is tight. I'm hoping to get a sewing machine soon so I can craft some gifts.

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