So, because I can't update with new recipes because I haven't had anytime to cook, here are a few news articles and general internet updates that affect my life.
2. Strike back with Stress: apparently a little stress is good for your while too much is terrible? I'm either the healthiest person in the world or I'm a ticking time bomb of death.
3. Brew a cup of Cold virus killer: aka drink hot tea (no shit)
4. Recharge your immune response: aka sleep more (again, no shit, if sleeping more was an option trust me I'd be there)
5. Vitamin D: My God really? I feel like some poor sap had to create web site content and slapped this list together out of the most obvious pieces of information.
6. Take a Walk: I wake up early to make sure I can make it to the gym but does the cut time sleeping negate the time at the gym? This shit is confusing.
7. Get a Massage: too broke :(
8. Fire up the crock pot: Definitely did this. I made a giant vat of chicken noodle soup yesterday that I think is actually helpful.
In news that is infuriating/life is all a giant joke: Woman leaves $13 million Fortune to Cat

Not the actual cat in question but I think it's safe to say this cat has more money than I do
Are you kidding me? Are you FUCKING kidding me?? Millions of dollars left to make sure a cat is okay???? Don't get me wrong, I love animals, I was a vegan for years because the idea of eating animals honestly upset me but this is too fucking much. $13 million is the kind of fortune that can change lives. There were probably children starving within a mile radius of this old bat but her primary concern was whether or not a cat was taken care of? Cats can take care of themselves! They can live on the streets and eat mice and be perfectly fine. Children cannot. She could have given the money to shelters that help abused woman, schools that are underfunded, the homeless, AIDs research, ANYTHING but one cat. I don't want to be cruel here but maybe the reason that this old bat suffered from loneliness her whole life was because the people around her got really fucking sick of her making stupid fucking decisions like giving a fortune to a Goddamn cat.
I can't. I just can't.
So I was going to post another article about the benefits of coffee because I like the idea that my daily habit is a healthy one and not a terrible choice but unfortunately I have to run and work my second job. Because I'm broke. Here's the article. Enjoy.
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